on money (in the abstract)

alice wellintown alicewellintown at gmail.com
Sat Nov 26 19:07:43 CST 2011

The current spin form labor, and what Richard has been reciting here,
is that the right, hedge funds, wall streeters, and billionaires are
out to dismantle the unions, raid their pensions, and make us all
slaves. An oligarchy has hi-jacked american democracy, corporations
have all the rights and all the power and the only way to reist them
is to organize on a the labor side. But labor is and has always been
complicit in thes corrupt system. Wall Street is not a corrupt union.
The unions are and always have been corrupt. When they got big the
corruption grew and they fell. mostly form their own weight. The
demise of unions in America was an inside job. It tooks decades of
inside the unions and inter-union battles, Rey-Gun was a minor figure
in its demise. BY the time Rey-Gun got to fire the air trafic
controllers the unions were done. Now, the public unions, fat with
power, challanged for their racist nepotisms and for selling out their
members, are on the ropes. They too will fall.

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