on money (in the abstract)

Joseph Tracy brook7 at sover.net
Sun Nov 27 18:26:34 CST 2011

Fuck Yea, what's another genocide? Fuckin Sand Niggers, who gives a shit about anybody but good ol me and them stars and stripes. Fuckin environment, who needs that shit. Wade in and get it while you can. 
On Nov 27, 2011, at 5:13 PM, alice wellintown wrote:

>> iran can't nuke anyone.
> Exactly! That is the point.  Why worry about Iran when you got bigger
> troubles of your own making that you got to deal with?  Iran is easy.
> But the housing market in america is not easy to deal with and it
> can't be put on some evil looking dude over in the sands of satan. The
> housing market, the liquidity crisi in the capital markets, the
> unemployment problem...these are real problems that will take years
> and years and major investments and hard labor, and luck, to fix. But
> you keep talking about the compiracy. The bad guys that need to be
> caught. Get over it. Welcomew to america. this is a wild wild west.
> You don't get a frontier without drunk Irish with guns shooting up the
> place while their plows rust and the soild goes to dust. Now the
> second wave into the frontier will plow. Get behind the mule.

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