NP: Alienation and Sedition Act

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at
Wed Nov 30 14:23:12 CST 2011

, Henry M wrote:
> S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012,
> is being attacked by people who, for the most part, haven't read it at
> all, and also and by firebaggers who are up to their "Dem's are
> hardly, if at all, better than Repubs so don't vote for them either"
> tricks.

Firebagger 	- qu'est que ce?
A term of derision used (usually on blogs) by supporters of U.S.
President Barack Obama in arguments with people who criticize Obama
and other Democrats from the political left. The term is a conflation
of "Teabagger" the term of derision used to describe right wing Tea
Party activists and Firedoglake, a left-leaning political blogging
community founded by Jane Hamsher.

ex. Those firebaggers would rather kill the entire health care reform
package than compromise on the public option. They're worse than

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