Mark Kohut markekohut at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 30 18:03:22 CST 2011

jimcramer Jim Cramer 
The action the governments took today shows that there was without a doubt a major bank about to fall this weekend. That's very dire....

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Michael Bailey <michael.lee.bailey at gmail.com>
To: P-list <pynchon-l at waste.org> 
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2011 3:12 PM
Subject: Re: frank miller

Robert Mahnke wrote:
> I'm sorry -- you're busting my chops for posting a link to something needlessly esoteric? Is this still the Pynchon list?

heehee, good one!

alice wellintown  wrote:

>> The are not so powerful or so evil or so deadly. No more than the
>> mortgage you gave to the bank. Derrivitives are not the problem, no
>> more than mortgages or comodities or land. Under Bush the Senior we
>> had a major bank crisis. Remember that? Small relative to his sons
>> bank crisis, but essentailly the same problem. It ain't cars that are
>> evil, it's drunk driving.

cars are pretty evil, though, in other ways.
and that is similar to football, derivatives and the hereditary nobility...

that is to say, prima facie football is an abomination to my values.
All the decorum so laboriously acquired - not hitting, not shoving,
being polite - things that everybody should be working on all the
time, is seemingly discarded and rude action is heavily rewarded.
Was gibt damit?  Yet people I like and respect and even love, follow
and enjoy the game!
I will probably never be a fan (much less of boxing) - but, it exists
and what am I to do?  I don't mean to let it spoil my day!

derivatives, similarly, occupy the efforts of some large number of
people.  I think the whole business is a crock.  The effects of it
aren't as easy to avoid as football.  Again, the enshrinement of an
undesirable - greed - is counter to what kindhearted people struggle
for a lifetime to breed in themselves and the people they touch.

Which leads me to the hereditary nobility.  The hereditary nobility by
virtue (vice, really) of the ability to ignore elementary politeness
and command violence, can cause waste - potential geniuses lost in
battle, happy marriages spoiled by droit de seigneur, nuns going blind
embroidering party dresses.  Again, contravening the values -
kindness, fidelity, and the like - that are humanity's most precious
treasure and which are painstakingly acquired...

Basically, there are things in the world I do not like.  Got to
concentrate on the ones I do, use ingenuity to avoid, ameliorate, sway
or endure the ones I don't...

think I'll read _Typee_, since I've never done so before.  If I have
any energy left over, I'll translate Ernst Bloch's _Subjeckt/Objekt --
I have a few days off work (-:

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