NP - about the woolstreet strut

Matthew Cissell macissell at
Sat Oct 1 11:22:03 CDT 2011

For 3 cents (adjusted for real inflation),
    It is interesting to see that most of the comments here make reference to the Arab Spring, whereas it seems to me that the better comparison would be the spanish "indignados". What started in Madrid soon had its counterpart in other places in Europe (the timeline is from memory), movements that were notably different from the protests in Greece. Only now have some folks over in the US gotten around to doing something similar.
    Although their reasons for discontent are understandable, I don't think their efforts will help their cause. What happened in Spain? After open air votes and many speeches, people went home. Talking heads talked. The unemployed are still unemployed and a government that is even less sypmathetic to the plight of many is about to take control.
Remember, don't lend your hand to raise no flag upon no ship of fools.

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