
alice wellintown alicewellintown at gmail.com
Sat Oct 1 11:48:52 CDT 2011

The people are aware. They are the ones suffering from unemployment,
underemployment, loss of wages, dead and missing and maimed sons and
daughters, debt, devalued assets, crumbling infrastructure,
corruption, loss of privacy, loss of libraries, loss of
liberties....the people know all about it. And, they are far from fed
up with the current state of affairs. They feel fortunate given the
circumstances. There is a war going on and we are in the middle of a
great recession. The people take solace in the fact that they have
peace at home and have drones and mercenaries doing the dirty work.
The people are aware every time they call to correct some error on
their credit report or on their phone bill that the jobs they once did
are done in India. The people know that whatever the Fed says about
core inflation, the price of getting to work on the train, the subway,
the road over a bridge, is higher than they can handle just now. The
people are aware that the banks were bailed out but they still need to
send a check to the bank to pay off a student loan for a kid who can't
find work and is sleeping off a hangover in the back room, again. The
people know that the system is pile of corruption and incompetence, of
nepotism and favoritism and corporate cronyism.

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