GR translation: sweat drops in the air

alice wellintown alicewellintown at
Sun Oct 30 14:00:38 CDT 2011

For Lovecraft the soft gray matter which humans cherish so deeply
cannot stand up to such an assault. Yet asylums have long been closed
and the psychiatric wards are not overflowing at the rate he would
expect. It is because, in part, that the naturalism of philosophies of
science treat nature as an innocuous container or cheery factory of
things which the scientist can rearrange accordingly. That is, even if
the Promethean attitude towards nature is no longer exploitative, a
view of nature as still mechanistic lingers even in ecological

On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 2:52 PM, alice wellintown
<alicewellintown at> wrote:
> Meikle, Jeffrey L. "'Other Frequencies': The Parallel Worlds of Thomas
> Pynchon and H.P. Lovecraft."
> Modern Fiction Studies 27 (Summer 1981): 287-94.

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