GR translation: to take just enough of it away eaxh morning

Paul Mackin mackin.paul at
Sat Sep 3 11:52:50 CDT 2011

On 9/2/2011 10:30 PM, Michael Bailey wrote:
> I remember parsing this a couple years ago on list.
> they're walking to church but there's a panoramic scan over to the coast,
> where Wrens are building ships...
> nearby is a pipefitter's shed where they're making war materiel
> they're using metal collected in "drives" such as discarded toothpaste tubes
> this conjures thoughts of those who used the toothpaste
> such as children evacuated to the countryside and seeing unaccustomed
> shapes of animals out the windows and talking while they brush their
> teeth
> and adults, smokers, and eaters of gland pies (I think of kidney pies,
> because he also mentions "offal") who brush with the mentholated
> toothpaste each morning to substitute the fresh menthol taste for that
> of the accumulated smoke and organ meat residue
Has it been mentioned or is it generally known that this War's evensong 
paragraph contains the only Pynchon quote picked up by Bartlett.  (at 
least in the edition we have here)

Yet who can presume to say WHAT the War wants, so vast and aloof is it . 
. . so absentee.

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