NP: No gov't; best gov't..from John Lanchester LRoB

alice wellintown alicewellintown at
Sun Sep 4 06:45:01 CDT 2011

The books and articles I recommned may bore you, but you'll learn how
things actually  work, what the problems really are, and what the real
solutions might be. I don't believe that the journalists and
ex-insiders and muck-raker types are worth reading if you want to know
the facts. To understand this stuff, you need to do some math and
master some fundamentals:

How do banks and the Money Market and the the Federal Reserve work?

What are derivatives?

What is a Mortgage and what is a Mortgaged Back Security?

How do the capital markets work?

What is structured finance and private placement finance?

So on and so forth in this, what many will find a stodgy and difficult

Next to To Big to Fail, Liar's Poker, Bonfire of the Vanities, The
Great Stagnation, Secrets of the Temple ...but still on Amazon's
shelf, you'll find Frank Fabozzi and Marcia Stigum. These are two
authors you simply can not avoid of you want that double major at
Princeton ;-)
The Money Market is a basic book with math in it and is a standard in
finance courses at the best B-school programs. Fabozzi is the experts
in derivities and mortgages and structured finance. You can never
really get a clear understanding of how things work unless you know
what is in these works.

Now, sorry, but the best sources are the best and you'll need to put
up with the politics, WSJ and Barrons. Take the WSJ dailly and Barrons
on the weekend.

That should do it.

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