WG: In Which We Find 'against the day"; CORRECTION

Erik T. Burns eburns at gmail.com
Mon Sep 5 09:07:24 CDT 2011

see also _J R_ page 159
"..and he pulled the door behind him hard against the day that seemed
to dim as he entered it..."
page 247
"...diaper service trucks marshaled against the day to come."

not to mention all the Thomas Carlylye, "another blue day" stuff in
_The Recognitions_ and (just once!) in _J R_ (page 75)

On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 2:47 PM, Mark Kohut <markekohut at yahoo.com> wrote:
> "the obituary that's already written....they keep one written and up to date
> against the day........."
> J. R. page 7
> the paragraph ends with those three words...........highlighting them
> thereby ....
> I say it is like 'inherent vice" in The Recognitions for TRPjr
> it is akin to Shakespeare using some of Plutarch's phrases.......

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