Question for 2010 Lublin conferees (or anyone who can help)

David Morris fqmorris at
Mon Sep 19 15:22:15 CDT 2011

The idea of hidden wisdom, secret connections, is so central to GR
that it shouldn't be surprising that some might take it (too)
seriously.  All of GR (and most of Pynchon's other work) is a
scavenger hunt (like Oedipa in COL49) for connections, symbols,
cyphers that the reader is challenged to make sense of.  But Pynchon
never offers answers, just nibbles of possibility.  Is the baby

David Morris

On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 12:24 PM, Matthew Cissell <macissell at> wrote:
>The idea of the erudite author (or perhaps better that romantic concept of the genius) as having some hidden wisdom that the reader unveils through the correct reading process is certainly not new to the study of literature so it shouldn't be surprising to find it in studies of Pynchon's work.

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