aw. Re: Where did ...

Kai Frederik Lorentzen lorentzen at
Fri Sep 23 05:27:07 CDT 2011


Wasn't it me who asked about your Bourdieu approach to Pynchon here when 
all the other people
did not even give a damn?

Personally  I'm certainly among the very few P-lister who have neither 
anything against French theory nor against the sociology of literature.

So I do not quite get why you behave like you do. Is it because I'm not 
100% in agreement with you
on each and every detail? If so, I suggest you join a list of parrots.

I also think that my contribution on Mann's sources for "Doktor Faustus" 
could be helpful
(if you already knew about Mann's lifelong work on Nietzsche or his 
collaboration with Adorno, this wasn't recognizable from your mail, and 
then it's not a private letter exchange between you and me).

You read a lot of Bourdieu, but you're not a learned sociologist; this 
makes it difficult for you to see certain problems in Bourdieu's 
approach, especially the oversimplified concept of agency.

Let me, nevertheless, say that I think your research project sounds 
promising. Always thought that '/literary field'/  is a key term for the 
sociology of literature.

Just out of curiosity: Was there anybody else on this list who discussed 
with you sociology of literature in general and Bourdieu in particular?

Perhaps you think it over for a while and then try again ;-)

On 22.09.2011 23:22, Matthew Cissell wrote:

> Und der Haifisch, der hat Zähne/ Und die trägt er im Gesicht.
> Typisch, Kai. Sehr typisch.
> Shark, Shark!   (Yawn.)
> Please continue.

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