aw. Re: Where did ...

alice wellintown alicewellintown at
Sat Sep 24 06:43:25 CDT 2011

But, I think more than the average bear and like Yogi, I enjoy coming
to a fork in the road and taking it. This is the P-reader too, one who
loves and american paradox, the central themes of america are couched
in this romantic technique, this, and the persuit of happiness
reflected in and on what might have been had america not taken the
road not taken, had much sanity, rather than, insanity,  been divinest
sense. Next to of course go america....

On Sat, Sep 24, 2011 at 7:35 AM, alice wellintown
<alicewellintown at> wrote:
> CL49 was required reading in the liberal arts colleges back in the
> 70s. GR was called the new great american novel and was said to be the
> best or most important novel since Ulysses, it was often compared with
> Moby-Dick for obvious reasons. I didn't know of V., and I was typical.
> In the late 70s and early 80s, CL49 was cannonical, it was bound in
> short novel collections, it was taught in colleges  and universities
> as a new form of the novella, american fiction, as 60s literature, as
> experimental fiction, as Hawkes, Vonnegut, Barthelme...were
> taught...then Pynchon was gone to write VL and the new wave, a
> superposition of women authors and non DWM authors hit the colleges
> and book shores. We recall that strange mixture of excitement and
> disappointed when Tom Pynchon, like some, I'm Big in Japan Dylan, went
> Japanese electric landy land POLITICAL. Keep it in the characters,
> man. But Tom, once so much older than, although Grover had his
> politics, was younger than that now. His wife made him do it. He would
> introduce his Cornell collection of juvenailia with a screed,
> defending the poor and powerless masses, the working man's dead would
> haunt romances hereafter. He sold out on IV, a movire that fears and
> loathes its own trippings down the burnt out alleys of memories where
> fog from the faded pages of hard boiled bitch goddesses wrestle with
> the buxom best sellers, but finished his USA, his American series.
> And, I thinbk, it is done.

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