Gore Vidal, requiescat in pace ...
Mark Kohut
markekohut at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 1 08:03:56 CDT 2012
Harold Bloom once said his "political imagination was extraordinary" [or close to that].
Some of his penetrating perspectives are like unto Pynchon's, I've thought--as are others, of course--
at the level of how money, power, greed, stupidity have worked in these United States.
But he did not like Pynchon's writing, nor Barth's, nor about any non-social realists of
his time---or, seemingly, any time....
----- Original Message -----
From: Monte Davis <montedavis at verizon.net>
To: 'Dave Monroe' <against.the.dave at gmail.com>; 'pynchon -l' <pynchon-l at waste.org>
Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2012 8:46 AM
Subject: RE: Gore Vidal, requiescat in pace ...
I will miss him. For years, enjoying Julian and the Washington novels, I
thought of his correspondences between republican -> imperial Rome and the
US as a conceit or crotchet -- at most an echo of imperial Britain's
classical preoccupations. It took me too long to realize he was quite
serious and quite right.
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-pynchon-l at waste.org [mailto:owner-pynchon-l at waste.org] On Behalf
Of Dave Monroe
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2012 12:37 AM
To: pynchon -l
Subject: Gore Vidal, requiescat in pace ...
Gore Vidal (1925 - 2012)
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