Digital Rapture: The Haiku Contest Comes to the World Science Fiction Convention

David Morris fqmorris at
Tue Aug 7 11:02:26 CDT 2012

Is the Rapture of the Nerds just around the corner?  Or is the Vingean
posthuman technological Singularity the biggest myth since Y2K?  You
know—and you can prove it in verse.

Post or email (tachyon at us a haiku that is
either pro- (it's totally gonna happen) or con- (as if!) Singularity.
There will be two winners, one for each argument.  Attendees at Chicon
7, the World Science Fiction Convention, will be treated to A FREE
LUNCH with James Patrick Kelly and John Kessel, the esteemed editors
of Digital Rapture: The Singularity Anthology.

At Worldcon, the winners and the editors will meet and try to convince
one another; Jim believes (sort of) and John says no way.  If you win
but will not be attending Chicon, you can designate a friend to defend
your position (or eat your lunch).  Winners and top three entrants
will also receive a copy of Digital Rapture signed by the editors and
several contributors and will be immortalized (until the Singularity)
on Tachyon’s Facebook page.

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