Difficult Books

Mark Kohut markekohut at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 9 09:09:42 CDT 2012

Agree. Category error as myt philosophy teachers used to say. Thought it was just me.
or else the list should be on non-fiction books, full of lots of philosophy.
I think they created this list out of their private life's reading too much, too much the private reading of two.

From: David Morris <fqmorris at gmail.com>
To: Madeleine Maudlin <madeleinemaudlin at gmail.com> 
Cc: Mark Kohut <markekohut at yahoo.com>; Phillip Grayson <phillip.grayson at gmail.com>; John Bailey <sundayjb at gmail.com>; Dave Monroe <against.the.dave at gmail.com>; Keith Davis <kbob42 at gmail.com>; pynchon -l <pynchon-l at waste.org> 
Sent: Thursday, August 9, 2012 10:00 AM
Subject: Re: Difficult Books

I also don't think philosophy books should be included in a list like this.
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