
Alex Colter recoignishon at
Fri Aug 10 15:25:28 CDT 2012

What does your snide comment have to do with *anything* we were discussing?
O-or are you simply looking for an outlet to talk about how Gilgamesh was
the burning bush that spoke to Moses and Clement gave birth to the baby

On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 2:33 PM, Madeleine Maudlin <
madeleinemaudlin at> wrote:

> And eternal reward Hereafter*.  *Big plus*.  *Encouraging.  Terrific how
> things work out in the end for the right people.  The only thing needs
> affirming down *here*, is Jesus.
> "Boo!  Hiss!  Down in front!"
> On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 2:14 PM, Alex Colter <recoignishon at>wrote:
>> Dave, what you said really "hits home" for me. I graduated high school
>> and promptly decided I wanted nothing to do with Academia, drunk on Whitman
>> no doubt, and somewhat on fire with Blakean Notions and prone to Pynchonian
>> Paranoia. I spent a bit of time homeless, consuming large amounts of
>> marijuana, ended up in jail (for said marijuana), began working on various
>> organic farms... finally, at 23 I can say that I am looking to continue my
>> education in the formal sense (continuing my "true" and personal Education
>> was never a question) and will start school in the fall. One of the folks
>> on the farm here, upon seeing what I read (I believe it was Frank Kermode
>> at the time) insisted very strongly, under threat of mock-violence, that I
>> needed to go back to school. I suppose he saw a bit of himself in me...
>> If it's any hope my Aunt recently acquired her nursing degree at age 54,
>> having no previous college credit or anything like that... best not to give
>> up hope, though I do not know, or I know only very little, when it comes to
>> that feeling of the Crushing Burden of years...
>> As for Borges, Keith, I am tempted to wax poetic and say something along
>> the lines that what I dig about Borges is he seems to write what has
>> already been written... or no, like his Pierre Menard,  Borges writes
>> fragments of Homer, Second Century Gnostic exegesis, imbues writers who
>> wrote centuries before him with strictly Borgesian qualities... but really
>> I love Borges because he was one of the first writers I read that made me
>> feel *intoxicated* simply by encountering them and in turn encountering
>> myself. I recall coming home from the library, I must have been 16 or 17,
>> walking through the Nature Preserve nearby and, having never been
>> intoxicated on even a drop of beer in my life, feeling *high.*
>> On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 10:20 AM, Dave Monroe <against.the.dave at
>> > wrote:
>>> On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 1:20 AM, Alex Colter <recoignishon at>
>>> wrote:
>>> > Having graduated about five years ago I cannot say I learned anything
>>> from
>>> > High School...
>>> ... having graduated a long, long time ago, from a high school even
>>> closer down the street now than it was when I went there, I learned,
>>> stay in school as long as possible afterward (which I DIDN'T do, so
>>> ...) ...
>>> .. I woke up shaking thinking this this morning: do @ LEAST something
>>> worth doing, maybe something yo actually enjoy, even, each and every
>>> day (if not each and every second). DON'T live every day as if it
>>> might be yr last (i.e., rifling through Kubler-Ross's stages of dying
>>> as if they're a Rolodex, or an animation flipbook), but as if yr gonna
>>> have to relive it on yr deathbed.  This, I suppose, is my take on
>>> Nietzsche's eternal recurrence, not so much as to affirm whatever the
>>> hell it is you do, but to do whatever it is you can affirm in the end
>>> (I'm Catholic, but I also can't help but think that "do unto others"
>>> is, pace Gilles Deleuze, the kind of logic that makes sadists out of
>>> masochists, so ...).
>>> Do what I say, not what I do.  I make mistakes so y'all don't have to.
>>>  Trust me, y'all don't want to end up like me, much less like how I'm
>>> going to end up, so ...
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