NP - Romney/Ryan

Dave Monroe against.the.dave at
Sun Aug 12 10:18:45 CDT 2012

On Sat, Aug 11, 2012 at 3:02 PM, Otto <ottosell at> wrote:

> Isn't this good for the Obama-team?

... it's a bone thrown to the so-called "Tea Party" et al., the
architect of the Republican "austerity" (for the 99%, @ any rate)
countering the guy who 1st enacted "Obamacare," with the added danger
that Ryan's not a complete idiot/ideologue, is the most photogenic of
a field of candidates strangely devoid of decrepit old men, and is, so
far, squeaky clean, as far as political candidates go.  Romney learned
from McCain's mistake (which was not to name Palin as his running
mate, but to allow his handlers to make him do so).  Though i gotta
wonder just how happy "The South" is having a choice between a Mormon
and a Catholic vs. a black guy and a Yankee ...

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