NP - Romney/Ryan
Mark Kohut
markekohut at
Mon Aug 13 09:11:09 CDT 2012
Not well-enough known scene from one of the '08 campaign books. All the
other Repub candidates chatting in the only bathroom at one debate then Mitt comes in...
Mitt walks into a bathrom:
all comraderie stopped. Even they didn't like him...felt uncomfortable around him. Esp McCain
who shared the below with Obama then:
Obama despises him for Joe's expressed resons.....contrasting Ryan in 09 or 10
with Romney, Obama said to aides, "at least he [Ryan] believes in something"............
But he, Ryan, has voted almost 100% as Michele Bachmann has in the House and
re women's rights to their own choices, is Rick Santorum ...
with accounting tricks that gave him his reputation.
And, speaking of reasons to vote, many say that possibly the most deleterious effects
of unlimited Super-Pac money will be on Congressional races, where negative ads seem
to work best....Rove and the Kochs are working hard on them..............
From: Joe Allonby <joeallonby at>
To: David Morris <fqmorris at>
Cc: Tom Beshear <tbeshear at>; Bekah <bekah0176 at>; jochen stremmel <jstremmel at>; Otto <ottosell at>; P-list <pynchon-l at>
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2012 9:33 AM
Subject: Re: NP - Romney/Ryan
As a citizen of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the nicest thing
that I can say about Mitt Romney is that at least he's a Mormon and
not a complete psycho like Michele Bachmann.
The only ideology that Mitt Romney really believes in is Mitt Romney.
Nothing else matters. He will say anything. He will take any position.
He will back any horse (literally as well as figuratively). The only
thing that is constant is his need to promote Mitt Romney. He wants to
be President because he thinks he deserves to be President. He can go
to hell.
On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 8:27 AM, David Morris <fqmorris at> wrote:
> Yep.
> This is probably the most important reason to re-elect Obama, besides
> all of the other reasons...
> On Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 10:57 PM, Tom Beshear <tbeshear at> wrote:
>> Everything else aside, Romney would be in a position to cement far right
>> dominance over the Supreme Court for a generation -- we're almost there --
>> all it takes is for one "liberal" (in quotes because the libs are just
>> moderates) to retire or die in office, and you can watch the 20th century
>> implode, jurisprudence-wise.
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