
Dave Monroe against.the.dave at gmail.com
Mon Aug 20 20:12:05 CDT 2012

On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 8:06 PM, Rich Clavey <antizoyd at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I was in one of my local used bookstores today and found around 8 copies of Pynchon's short story Entropy, used, all going for 4.95 and all in good condition. Anybody know anything about these? I think they were published illegally. They have a black white photomosaic on the cover and on some of the inside pages. On the back cover it has the number 0-1630-583-7 with a posthorn after the number. On the inside it sez first published in Kenyon Review,22,2 (1960), copywrite Thomas Pynchon. Then another posthorn then it sez Tystsero
> Troy Town MCMLVII
> On the back inside cover it sez Dopico redivivus   Imprimed by derangement with the jittery hexecrators of Maxwell Demon Gent. and are to be sold at the sign of the Post Horn in Echo Court.
> I found a few copies on amazon for 30.00 and one for 45.00
> Anyone know anything about these?
> Should I pick up the rest of them?
> Thanks for any information

Pick 'em up.  I recently found a couple/three copies of The Secret
Integration + one of The Small Rain (or was it vice versa?), + grabbed
'em all (in Chicago for the record--I'm curious as to where these are
coming from/ending up @).

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