gluon is god

Keith Davis kbob42 at
Fri Aug 31 08:52:51 CDT 2012

You look an awful lot like Janis Joplin....

On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 9:50 AM, Madeleine Maudlin <
madeleinemaudlin at> wrote:

> Nop, see that doesn't count.  I have no idea anything about you.  You'll
> have to write something, about something, so that I have a fair impression
> of you, before you shoot off your mouth.
> It's just more *fun* that way.
> Unless that whole thing about me being a true-troll is a compliment, then
> go right ahead, by all means, do some more.  In that case I'm all for
> blindsides from total strangers!  But I don't think trolls are reptilian,
> are they?  I have this reptile thing going on, you see, what's your email
> address I'll send some photographic evidence of it...
> On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 11:53 PM, Rich Clavey <antizoyd at> wrote:
>> Mad: you are a well, and true, troll. May you thrive and be happy.
>> z.
>> --- On *Thu, 8/30/12, Madeleine Maudlin <madeleinemaudlin at>*wrote:
>> From: Madeleine Maudlin <madeleinemaudlin at>
>> Subject: gluon is god
>> To: "P-list" <pynchon-l at>
>> Date: Thursday, August 30, 2012, 10:11 AM
>> I don't know if anybody knows this, besides Pynchon, because he was in my
>> dream last night, and we talked, and since I now know what he looks like he
>> must know what I look like, *not* like Maggie McGee, no no hey say what
>> yeah, but I do look like a turtle.  At least I have a very reptilian thing
>> going on.  I just now, ten minutes ago, tried to enhance that by taking
>> some scissors into the bathroom, but I've now discovered that without hair,
>> or, really, like Brad Pitt in Fight Club, hair, the ears tend to come out
>> and pronounce themselves more, in a rather non-reptilian fashion.
>> Speaking of gods.  If anybody has ever been annoyed by that old addage
>> about how most the universe exists between particles and is empty space,
>> read up on string theory.  Everything's a string, is my reading.  What a
>> relief too!  So much better that way.  Even the force fields are comprised
>> of....gluons, the String's string.  Gravity, well that's gravitons, and
>> those are strings, which are gluons.  And gluons have this di*vine* ability
>> to di*vide* and even add-on, endlessly.
>> I had two predictions this morning, what was the second one?  The first
>> is that charges, quarks, positive and negative, will eventually been seen
>> to be gluons themselves.  Memory, form, morphitons, my term--they're gluons
>> too.

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