Any TRP teachers here?

Paul Mackin mackin.paul at
Wed Dec 12 09:50:09 CST 2012

On 12/12/2012 7:34 AM, Markekohut wrote:
> Yes.

The p in p-list stands for persiflage, but there are those of us who 
love it.

P (18 years on and off)

> Sent from my iPad
> On Dec 12, 2012, at 4:57 AM, Matthew Cissell <macissell at> wrote:
>> Whilst thinking about the list as a social phenomenon it occurred to me that of the few students and scholars of TRP that I have had the pleasure of meeting at conferences very few seem to post here. I have seen occasional posts by people I know, but by and large they seem to be absent from the list. Why?
>> I know that some of the more frequent posters are not academics e.g. Mark K. Alice would appear to be an academic but I don't know if she teaches TRP. Does anyone here teach his work? If not, would it be fair to say that posts are predominantly done by non-scholars? I know that the Watchers are watching (we do occasionally hear from the inestimable Mr. Krafft), but is not this list with its motley crew mainly driven by non-academics? Does it then form a discursive space that is separate, to some degree, from the academic arena which produces contending papers and dissertations?
>> ciao
>> curious mc otis

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