This time is [not] different, but where's that Wile E. Coyote Moment?

alice wellintown alicewellintown at
Wed Dec 26 20:39:27 CST 2012

The Bush S&L crisis, small and limited in the damage it caused once
set next to the Great Contraction of the late 2000s, is, of course,
part of the study, as are all the other banking failures on record.
The boyz do a fine job of explaining how we get into these problems
and suggest ways of getting out of them, avoiding them, though it
seems next to impossible to avoid them all together. The typical Left
reading of these crises is riddled with ignorance and driven  by envy,
hatred even, of b/gangsters and those who make money the old fashion
way,  with money, and often finds itselff in bed with Ron Paul
stupidity and Christian paranoia of cabals... Jews who go to MIT and
run the Fed and so on... looking for scapegoats, somebody to blame,
someplace to occupy.   Again, we see Krugman, a Jewish intellectual,
an MIT and Yale man, like Bernanke, as a great man when he wears his
academic laurals, but an asshole, quite often, when he wears his
journalist's dunce cap. He misinforms and plays the buzz language
games that get his liberals with a conscience all excited about the
gangsters; he sounds like Ronald Ray-gun, nostalgic for a day when
folks, in the wordfs of Archy Bunker, pulled their own weight.

> let's see...we had the s&l thingie (thanks, neil bush et al, that george
> bailey guy really needed putting in his place), casinos everywhere,
> lotteries everywhere, the tech bubble, the housing bubble, somewhere in
> there they sold the rights to the freakin' parking meters of chicago, and
> some toll road, they give tax breaks to move jobs offshore, the everlovin'
> *debt* bubble...what's left?
> but seriously, those holding US dollars may realize that there is still a
> certain amount of coolness left in the concepts that animate this republic
> a-and nobody's perfect, so maybe they're betting that it might occur to
> someone here to actually make their money the old fashioned way and "uhhhn
> it"...

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