Back to AtD. 'something malevolent' p. 971

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Sat Dec 29 09:13:13 CST 2012

"the crowds who cheered the declarations of war in every European capitol did so not out of some collective
death urge, but out of ignorance."--A. Bullock, historian, "The Double Image" 1976
Against the Day, p971: "Reef and Yashmeen were to find themselves standing against the snow descending, in a 
comradely persistence too unquestioned for either to have thought of as honorable, their backs as often as not to
the wind, tall, silent, bowed over their own hearts, over the small life it had become their duty, unimposed, emerged simply
from the turns of their fatem to protect--not only it seemed from the storm, because later, sheltered for a moment, in Permeti
or Gjirokastra, both remembered feeling the presence of a conscious and searching force which was not the storm, nor the 
winter, nor the promise of more of the same for who knew how long....but something else, something malevolent and much
older than the terrain or any race that might have passed in unthinking pilgrimage across it, something which swallowed whole
and shit into oblivion whatever came in range of its hunger."
Gimme 25 0r 250 words. 
Is this the Death Wish from Life Against Death, Freud, whomever, in the world---contra Bullock? The Return of the Deepest Repressed that
makes War---contra Bullock ? The inherent vice of human nature--something malevolent? 
Or, of course, some combo, all or something else...
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