..Not in the least bit Pynchonic -- space

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at gmail.com
Thu Feb 2 10:47:17 CST 2012

 David Morris wrote:
> I was once told (in a yoga class) that space was the first (and
> necessarily so) "thing" to be created.

...because you have to have someplace to put everything, right?

so that's the "container" theory of space, which leads to the notion
that your concept of space will be shaped by your ontology...

and I think in math space means a co-ordinate system, right?

"Strength you will acquire naturally, if you do plenty of work; and
dexterity you will acquire unconsciously with practice; but style you
can only acquire by constant attention, and then only if you have a
clear idea of what to aim at." - A. F. Jenkin

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