Game over man, game over: Frankenmalware has been unleashed

barbie gaze barbiegaze at
Thu Feb 2 19:07:45 CST 2012

> I hate rampant capitalism but I don't know of a viable alternative.    I
> can only hope there's some pendulum in play but I don't foresee that,
> either.

It's not capitalism, rampant or tempered, that causes this disgust, this
surrender, this hate. Is it? Isn't it something rational? Capitalism, or
what you imply capitalism is, is rooted in superstition and irrational
human exchanges. What you seem to be upset about is not capitalism but
technical and rational control of cunsumers. This is acommon disorder, and
a frustration we all share that is compounded by the fact that technical
and rational control prevents critical thinking,  something we claim to be
teaching to the young in our schools. Of course, we can not teach young
people to think, critically or otherwise, but that's another frustration.
 Moreover, because the young are all slaves, in a much greater and more
profound sense than any of us old farts are slaves, to the virtues of the
rational and technical mass culture, to speed and efficiency, and so on,
what the young percieve as freedom, that is, the freedom to consume,
renders the freedom to think counterproductive, irrational and
superstitious. I want my MTV.
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