AtD Here's the [a] thing.

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Mon Feb 20 11:16:37 CST 2012

There is no reading, only rereading. ---Vladimir N. 

Even reading AtD on this group site back when and following the brand-new
wiki for it, it still presented (to me) the same problem reading GR the first time did......

Trying to figure out stuff, an earnest, largely intellectual endeavor made it harder (again for me,
maybe not you) to see how much was being laughed at, satirized. This reading I suggest---almost
ALL of the 'intellectual' conversation stuff....all the bloviating characters and their bloviations is played for laughs. 
All satirized like Swift did or others.......

'Truths' in TRP's visions mostly rest---so far, always with a "maybe" qualifier---in the quotidian, often offhand stuff within scenes,
around the sympathetic characters' sympathetic moments........

One might even make the case that TRP is severely anti-intellectual in some way, despite all the learning
he puts into his books.     ???

Your thoughts?
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