Back to AtD: Gaia Hypothesis; Inherent Vice?

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Fri Jul 20 15:39:07 CDT 2012

"[Cyprian] tried to explain to Ratty: If the Earth were alive, with a plaent-shaped consciousness, then the 'Balkan Peninsula'
might easily map on to whatever in this conscousness most darkly wishes for its own destruction."---p.939
And we have learned the pattern--the transform-- of the map.p.935..."Purportedly? the 'Belgian Congo'.........
"It could be Bosnia."said Cyprian.
"South Texas," said Reef. 
Goes back to TRPs letter about finding the so-evil colonial exploitation of indigenous people in Africa, put into V.,
and now a pattern.  
Is this the inherent vice pattern of Original Sin throughout modern history or
is it something other, maybe deeper [that is, NOT LINKED to any concept of Original Sin] but 
more reminescent of the Return of the Repressed from GR, or is THAT the Original Sin?
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