List of agnostics

Dave Monroe against.the.dave at
Wed Jun 27 10:18:39 CDT 2012

On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 10:14 AM,  <kelber at> wrote:

> It's hard to believe that all the people on this list would identify themselves as agnostics, rather than atheists (though it's possible that Pynchon might be an agnostic - there's no way of knowing, which, I guess, makes us all Pynchon-agnostics).  Lots of people I know say things such as "I'm not religious, but I still think there's some sort of intelligence out there."  I don't think they mean it in the Arthur C. Clarke sense, but more in a spiritual-lite fear of there not being some sort of overriding moral force guiding all that we do.  Personally, I'm an atheist:  there's no god, but if you want to be religious, shut the fuck up about it!

I'm a practicing Catholic.  Practicing, but never getting any better @
it, so ...

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