Piss Christ, Madonna with Dung (WAS:This is Why We Fight...)

Bled Welder bledwelder at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 1 12:11:48 CST 2012

In light of the eternal recurrence, you're likely right about more than the possibility of it.  the question bein, my question, to you, existentially if you like, or pop mechanically, which eternal recurrence of chaneys fate would you prefer, lofty humanitaroan persuasion, or something say a touch more, wet, yellow? An eternal pi piss, how joyous would that feel, am i right

> Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 12:32:47 -0500
> Subject: Re: Piss Christ, Madonna with Dung (WAS:This is Why We Fight...)
> From: michael.lee.bailey at gmail.com
> To: pynchon-l at waste.org
> Bled Welder  wrote:
> > "rather than peeing on Dick Cheney, eg, it'd be immensely more
> > satisfying to verbally persuade him to adopt pacifistic positions and
> > repudiate his warlike past and - like Nobel - have a care for
> > posterity and fund a Cheney Peace Prize, eg."
> >
> >
> > Just updating my Facetious Detection software here.  You jest here, right?
> >
> no, I wouldn't rule it out!  Never underestimate the power of moral suasion!
> I found a Camus quote about decency that fits (not the one I was
> looking for, which was a blurb, I think maybe by Sartre, about the
> decency of his [Camus's] impulses, on the jacket of a Camus book that
> I tried to read but couldn't get a purchase on, but it really has
> staying power (like another persistently remembered phrase from
> childhood, the ad in the back of Popular Mechanics touting "Basement
> Toilet Flushes Up" - but earnest rather than comical) ---
> "That's an idea which may make some people smile, but the only means
> of fighting a plague is – common decency."
> The Plague
> anyway, all this warfare and hostility is a plague, isn't it?
> a-and Nobel *did* have a change of heart (after reading a premature
> obit, right?) and burnish his image for posterity!
> it could happen
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