splitting the Icelandic spar koan once again

David Morris fqmorris at gmail.com
Thu Mar 1 22:10:02 CST 2012

My best guess re. spar double vision is his old trope about splits in the
road, and regrets about taking the wrong one.  But that's a "bad" binary
fork, ain't it.

David Morris

On Thursday, March 1, 2012, Mark Kohut wrote:

> It is a cliche to say that an historical novelist sees the past thru the
> present. Yet, Pynchon gives us that cliche Koanically?:
> A major surreal historical novel, which, seen refracted, is an alternative
> history; it is, in some sense, an anti-historical,
> anti-mythic b.s., anti-Romance [Chums thread] Romance?
> An Icelandic Spar history.
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