"God and Caesar in America: Why Mixing Religion and Politics is Bad for Both."

David Morris fqmorris at gmail.com
Thu Mar 8 10:00:35 CST 2012


Jonathan Merrittt writes in The Monitor that "Religious pollsters and
demographers have long warned that young people were leaving churches
in alarming numbers...according to Notre Dame professor David Campbell
and Harvard professor Robert Putnam, the fusion of faith and partisan
politics - particularly the conservative type - is at least partly to
blame..."The best evidence indicates that this dramatic generational
shift is primarily in reaction to the religious right," they wrote in
the latest Foreign Affairs in an essay titled "God and Caesar in
America: Why Mixing Religion and Politics is Bad for Both." They
explain: "And Millennials are even more sensitive to it, partly
because many of them are liberal (especially on the touchstone issue
of gay rights) and partly because they have only known a world in
which religion and the right are intertwined...In effect, Americans
(especially young Americans) who might otherwise attend religious
services are saying, 'Well, if religion is just about conservative
politics, then I'm outta here..."

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