clarification of psilo-research

Bled Welder bledwelder at
Fri Mar 9 09:45:46 CST 2012

This is a three email response by me yesterday to somebody criticizing psilo-research, for anyone interested.  And again, I feel justified in raising this issue here because it seems to me it would be something that Pynchon would be interested in, if he's not already fully conscious of.
The first email is a defense of Terence McKenna, and unnecessary to my opinions in the next two emails.  McKenna is how I eased into the conversation, as it were.
The third is the main clarification I think, regarding meaning.
A tad long, but not too much I hope.  Font appears wigged-out, my apapoliwogies:
there is no solid evidence of anything.  We talked a little
about the ancient alien theory when you were here.  Provocative
is a good word for these things.

am not now anyway involved in McKenna's research with the IChing.
 That's a tangent to what I am interested in, which is research
into psychedelics and foremost the psilocybe.  It's like the ancient
alien/society/calendar/IChing stuff in theory, but the astonishing thing about
natural non-synthetic psychedelics, especial the psilocybe, then somewhat the dimethyltryptamine, which is in everything, including us, by nature,
is that our Western civilization discovered them a mere sixty years

to that utter dipshit Timothy Leary, who, I might point out, was no
natural born overman, my own developing theory running here, the
government closed down hard the natural advanced technologies of
psychedelics, especially the psilocybe, for thirty years, and has only
in the last fifteen years aloud research into these seeming magic (a
euphamistic word if ever there was one) compounds to resume.

astonishing thing is the actual experience of the proclaimed truths
of the psilocybe is right there, all you have to do is ingest a
sufficient amount and then decide for yourself.  It is clear that anybody who does not do so will have no complete idea what is going on, and
will have no complete reason to believe any of the claims.  As with general human self-awareness, for example, whereas no one can actually prove to
anyone else that they are self-aware, other people have the same
experience of self-awareness so it's easier for them to believe when
someone so says.

colossal mistake was trying to give these powerful, awesome
compounds to everybody. ****ed up stupid.  These are very
intellectual compounds that are built to communicate with higher
intelligences, and only a select few who are willing and fearless
enough to go into them to do research necessary for understanding
them should do so.

into first the psilocybe and second the dimethyltryptamine is a scientific endeavour.
 I cannot speak to McKenna's IChing; my response to it was and
is identical to yours, minus all your math analysis: it appears on
the face of it that he chose a divinatory concept, the IChing,
because it most appealed to him, and then massaged the information or
data he gathered so that it explained his desired beliefs, in this case the
winter solstice of this year.

like a typical scientist to me!  And no from what I know about
his theory and the IChing I don't believe a word of it.  

there is a giant But here, which I had not noticed before I watched
that video two nights ago!  McKenna claims, he tells us, that he
knew Nothing about the Maya calendar end date, or anything special
about the winter solstice 2012 until After his results of his study.


not to say I believe any part of his IChing theory, or anything about
the Maya calendar end date.  I also have my doubts about some of
Einstein's presumptions or conclusions.  Talk about finding the
math to fit the theory!  Wouldn't you

* * *

I understand and know with precision what I am talking about.

is nothing religious about what I am talking about.  It is not a
matter of spiritual visions.  What is illuminated, a process a
person can see with the power of the psilocybe, is a
mechanical-like moving structure of many strands on which a seeming
unfathonable amount of information flows.  The strands
intertwine in endless ways that never seem to repeat.  The
luminous strands are of mixed blue, red and green color, and contained in a multidimensional space that is visible.  What
is seen with total clarity is a vast integration of flowing information that is very difficult to describe because it is quite
obvious that it is far beyond the capacities of human imagination.
 It is a system of information that is of unbelievable, awesome
complexity, and incredible to say, it is also wondrous and beautiful
to behold.  It has no opinion, it is no law or commandment, it
is no judge, it gives no commentary.  It is there, and it is
active.  Leonardo or Shakespeare would be at a loss to describe
this seeming transdimensional information with precision and
accuracy.  But behold the information they would.  This
multitude of intertwining strands have far more types of bits of
information than four, but it is ordered, and it is far and away more
complex than the information on a double helix.

believe that some mathematicians and astrophysicists and physicists
have observed this apparent process.  No doubt there are people
who have done this.  Also clear is that, given the very recent
discovery of these compounds, and given that the religious and
external-empirical scientific (math applied external) based
ideologies of this society, anyone who does research outside the
bounds of that propaganda model is rendered a heretic and lunatic.
 Cf. Chomsky, Propaganda Model, with my expansion of it beyond
the media.

do not know what these representations, what is seen, is and are.
 But whether they are illuminations of the interior of the
functions of our brains or they are illuminations of something
outside the brain, or further inside the brain, into the fabric of
all space either way, it is nevertheless an obvious fact that it is
there.  Again, to repeat, it may all be entire in our brains.
 But it is far beyond the ability of our conscious imagination, or unconscious, for it is far beyond the stuff of dreams.
 Whether everyone or only certain people have this ability to
see the vast system is a question I am very curious about.

people like Brain Man, and autistic savants of other flavors seem to
possibly have access to extraordinary functions of the brain that may
me happening in all of us now, or some of us, and which are
non-psilocybe evidence of the same.  Brain Man says he sees
numbers as colorful three dimensional shapes, and he can calculate
far into pi, not by calculating, but by reading off the numbers as
they appear.

psilocybe illuminates with supreme power
similar aspects of our brains or fabric of space.  Or the same.
 I believe it may be quite possible to learn to read the
information in the other timespace dimensions, like Brain Man does,
and at times the information comes through in increasing readable and
identifiable symbology.

data is available.  It's right there.  All the time.

for a moment that your government did not label these compounds
"madness" (cf. Foucault's Madness and Civilization) and
hurtful to the brain.  Imagine that it even selected a number of
exceptional people to be shown the compunds' illuminating power when
young, and periodic throughout life (as Keith will tell you ancient
advanced civilzations did, including the Greeks, Egyptians, and
MesoAmericans).  Again, it's not being stated that these
illuminations are the path to the true nature of the cosmos.  But
it is notable how much science knows about anything.  Consider
dark matter, very recent discovery itself, as well as black holes,
etc., all about as new to us as the psilocybe.

too bad you can not allow yourself to investigate, to see it youself.
 But I have zero interest in convincing you of anything.  You
would have to simply ingest the psilocybe, which I know is impossible
for you.  It was sufficient for me to convey to my closest
genetic equal what is happening either within him or within the
dimensions of space, or both.


* * *

have in no way suggested that the vast system of multidimensional
space that is visible after absorbing the psilocybe is meaningful.  I
have done no more than claim that it is there.  Other people are
in the process of verifying this factual phenomenon.  It is a
global research project that is growing, in large part because the
governments of the world are releasing their grip on the research.
 This scientific research is no more a search for the meaning of
the universe than is astrophysics.  Research into black holes
and dark matter is of recent beginnings.  So is this research.

you are not interested in any of this does not concern me in the
least.  Your opinion on this matter means nothing to me.  I
was concerned about you having the information that I am gathering.
 Now that you have this information I am no longer concerned
about you not having it.

repeat again.  What I have attempted to describe to you is a
mere fraction of what is apparent in supreme clarity.  It is a
visibility of complexity that is beyond the imagination of the
greatest minds of human history, and complex beyond any system of
science yet conceived or understood.  Yet it resided in or was
available to all of them, as it is now to us."

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