Gravity's Rainbow in depth on Studio 360

Keith Davis kbob42 at
Fri Mar 9 22:14:18 CST 2012

Which is not to say that a change in outward circumstances wouldn't be the
catalyst for the dawning of this awareness, "things are not as they seem".

Definition of terms is so important. Gurdjieff once said, "Philology more
important than philosophy".
On Mar 9, 2012 10:52 PM, "Keith Davis" <kbob42 at> wrote:

> A feeling of my place in the world, and the disruption of that feeling,
> without there necessarily being a change in any outward circumstances.
> On Mar 9, 2012 10:50 PM, "Keith Davis" <kbob42 at> wrote:
>> I'm thinking it has less to do with intellectual understanding and more
>> to do with emotional, not that they have to necessarily be mutually
>> exclusive.
>> On Mar 9, 2012 10:38 PM, "Michael Bailey" <michael.lee.bailey at>
>> wrote:
>>> Keith Davis wrote:
>>> > This has been one of the more interesting threads for me. Makes me
>>> wish I
>>> > had more time to ponder.
>>> > Could paranoia be considèred as the sensing that there is an order
>>> beyond
>>> > the capability of our minds to understand, not as wonder, or awe, but
>>> as the
>>> > sense of losing the connection to our usual perception of a self
>>> located in
>>> > a particular time and space. A challenge to who or what we think we
>>> are.
>>> >
>>> I guess I take it for granted that there are all kinds of orders
>>> beyond my capability to understand.
>>> some that, like the details of the tides or the chemical processes
>>> going on in me right now, I might be able to grasp to some extent
>>> some that don't affect me but a lot that do...
>>> maybe I am paranoid, but it just seems reasonable to me.  'swhy I
>>> embrace and recommend faith (hail Ganesha)
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