Pynchons Problem

Alex Colter recoignishon at
Thu Mar 15 17:16:33 CDT 2012

> Experience won't change a boy's mind.
> Reading, even Romances, as Tom Sawyer does, seems to only matters
> worse, and Twain's famous warning shot at the front of the book argues
> that reading Realism or Naturalism or Twainism or whatever, won't do a
> damn thing neither.

Or Quixotism... it also seems to create problems that weren't exactly
present before, at least not in the same way, perhaps 'tis partly out of
the desire to evade the responsibilities and the weariness of adulthood..
I think it's good time to re-visit Huck and Jim now, as Spring emerges.

On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 4:56 PM, <malignd at> wrote:

> Leslie Fiedler's the one to read on Huckleberry Finn.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Bailey <michael.lee.bailey at>
> To: P-list <pynchon-l at>
> Sent: Wed, Mar 14, 2012 10:47 pm
> Subject: Re: Pynchons Problem
>  Albert Rolls wrote:
> > Of course, the reader should see that Huck is right when he does wrongs, but
> Huck
> > doesn't see that.
> Huck is a messed-up isn't that much fun being an outsider...
> wasn't there a Mickey Rooney Huck Finn movie?  I remember the dad
> yelling in that...
> anyway, I was doing a little due diligence and found that wikipedia
> sez Huck undergoes a moral awakening.  so he would have to be
> portrayed as being asleep to begin with.
> his moral sleep regarding slavery was very common in those days,
> extending as far as the self-styled "Supreme" court of the United
> States...and their actions, unlike Huck's, didn't follow their
> humanitarian tendencies but their mistaken legalistic dream, so Huck's
> awakening was a contrary and revolutionary act even limited as it
> was...
> and Huck the character - I learned - flies off with Tom and Jim in a
> balloon in a later novel.  cool!  didn't actually move to the Western
> Territory after all...
> but the part I skimmed has them philosophizing about time zones and
> colors on maps and so forth; true, no love interest, but Tom, at
> least, (and certainly Jim) has demonstrated his capacity for them in
> the past, and Huck's a follower...
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