Tesla and Jungian Electroegyptianism
Bled Welder
bledwelder at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 20 07:36:21 CDT 2012
I'm glad that you did.
Like I mentioned the other day, I came across that series that very night, knew nothing of its contents, wasn't looking for a video on that topic, I was cruising for movies in fact on Netflix. And I had never heard of anyone in the show, or Carmen Boulter. I don't follow that whole ancient secrets, ancient mysteries things. Only by virtue of being a person who knows a reasonable amount of everything. Even the psilocybe, average awareness. Until now of course, I'm an intergalactic authority. But that's just from, ahem. But I never went into any of this believing anything already, or even hoping to believe. Absolutely not. I am curious, and it's research.
The astonishing thing about these five videos is that the production and scholarly value of them is much better than ever before, so much so that it is literally true that no intelligent person who is not fundamentally indoctrinated into the mythologies of our American society and culture can watch them and deny that the Egyptians or whoever they were had advanced technology that we don't know about.
The evidence is right there, visible. Look at it. As DeLillo might say, This is obvious.
Then you're forced to wonder more about the other things. Since they did have technology that our precious mathematics and engineering as not yet worked out, then what else maybe? There might be a good reason why their technology was so different from ours. Or was it? They seemed to like stones, natural articles of the earth, but as the video points out, most of our technology also uses that one crystal that Boulter shows the Egyptians obviously used in massive high-tech ways.
Okay now that God, that myth is obviously a gonner too, whaddowedoo. Well anyway, while Michael mixes up his blue lily and mandrake potion, Florida good place for it maybe, cf (yet another) Kaufman's Adaptation, I can report from my end. I'll say hello from your subconscious soon. (If you asked me not to, I would try to oblige that, but the problem may be that if I go into one, say, my own, I go into all of ours.)
I don't know anything about the blue lily. But I know something is very definitely where I'm looking, I can assure you. When I decode or whatever will happen I'll let you know. But until then, anybody who denies the advanced technologies of the ancient Egyptians is the one who has the explaining to do.
> Subject: Re: Tesla and Jungian Electroegyptianism
> From: brook7 at sover.net
> Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2012 00:12:10 -0400
> To: pynchon-l at waste.org
> Just have to say that your references intrigued me and I watched the Pyramid Code series. Just the film shots of the structures and art provided a fresh look at the culture different from the usual fascination with gold and cult of the pharaoh. There was a fair amount of wasted time and restated questions but some really interesting stuff. I particularly liked the old egyptian speaker of Souf. Other points of interest, idea of sonic healing. the movement of the Nile, the role of astronomy/astrology, the blue water lily mandrake root doorway to other worlds, that weird propeller thingy.
> I see many connections in ATD to egyptian cosmology and his use of Tesla as the door not taken to a golden or at least goldener age: 1) the power field affecting another side of the globe - simultaneous pyramids in Egypt, Central America, Andes, 2) quartz in Egypt- iceland spar 3) blue lotus connecting to nile and underground healing waters- the plant given to Frank that takes him to the underground Cave of rain. 4) the Osiris story as a prototype of the Christ story and of the role of Webb Traverse in ATD with Mayva andYashmeen functioning as Isis. and his children and the Chums as a collective Horus 5) Anubis- Pugnax/Miles B
> 6) the whole idea of a lost age of higher wisdom Shangri La where there is greater harmony between the 3 worlds
> On Mar 19, 2012, at 7:53 AM, Bled Welder wrote:
> > Delightful.
> >
> > No but seriously, I understand that it may not be as rewarding as say convincing Cheney that he's a horrible example of human, or that he's a perfect specimen of our nihilist dark ages, or as pleasant and rewarding as getting to the bottom finally of whether or not Finn was asleep as he snuggled against Jim in the frightful dark, but I happen to believe that unfolding and revealing about what's under the dark mythologies we've been given to believe about civilizations greater than ours is important.
> >
> > Even for something as ultimately pointless as what AtD means or says. Or maybe AtD is not meaningless! Perhaps there is a Merle center, and Lew will finally admit the obvious truth about the Egyptians, that yes they had very advanced technologies that we don't know about. And yes, their individual learning had a lot to do with indoctrination by ways of certain psychedelics, et cetera. There's even a fascinating connection with Tesla. It would probably be not difficult to find these lines and connections open in AtD, just a matter of unfolding and revealing them. But who's looking for them? You've been indoctrinated to not look for them...
> >
> > You have to admire a system that can gather a group of scholars together who are hyper-aware in general how deep our culture of fabricated indoctrination is and yet no one will admit the obvious and biggest one, and it has everything to do with Pynchon, and no one will admit it.
> >
> > I suppose all this has been debating years going past by now on here, and it's just all new to me. I suppose someone could say, "Yo, Michael, been done, baby." But I'm enjoying the ride nevertheless.
> >
> > How about it, All is well in town? Is it?
> >
> > > Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2012 07:08:40 -0400
> > > Subject: Re: Tesla Electroegyptianism
> > > From: michael.lee.bailey at gmail.com
> > > To: pynchon-l at waste.org
> > >
> > > It would truly be awesome if sending emails was found to extend life!
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 4:22 PM, Bled Welder <bledwelder at hotmail.com> wrote:
> > > > structures around the globe, whoever the Egyptiaans may have been, then, not
> > > > only might they have been sufficiently advanced that they not send emails
> > > > rather than saving then as draft as intended, as a global electromagnetic
> > > > system that induced health, it may also have promoted great longevity; my
> > > > thought being, seeing how things like the Flood and things got into places
> > > > like Plato and the Bible, maybe also things like Moses living for 9000 years
> > > > in his Torah, was historical residue from the Golden Age Egyptians actually
> > > > having obtained that longevity. And if their longevity was threatened by
> > > > the galactic descent, I'll call it, you can see why they might have built
> > > > the Pyramids.
> > > >
> > > > ________________________________
> > > > From: bledwelder at hotmail.com
> > > > To: pynchon-l at waste.org
> > > > Subject: Tesla Electroegyptianism
> > > > Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2012 15:16:27 -0500
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > If it's true that the ancient Egyptians built their pyramid system and
> > > > possibly other megalythic
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > "Strength you will acquire naturally, if you do plenty of work; and
> > > dexterity you will acquire unconsciously with practice; but style you
> > > can only acquire by constant attention, and then only if you have a
> > > clear idea of what to aim at." - A. F. Jenkin
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