GR translation: tickling just under his nose

jochen stremmel jstremmel at
Fri Mar 23 03:32:54 CDT 2012

I would say because the lower rim of the opening in this wool cap sits
snug just under his nose it's tickling. The sensation.

2012/3/23 Mike Jing < at>:
> P43.18-25  Settling the window of his Balaclava helmet snug and
> tickling just under his nose, resolved not to give way to panic, Mr.
> Pointsman stands up, has to wait for blood to drain, resurge, bounce
> up and down its million branches in the drizzly night, percolate to
> balance—then limping, clanking, he heads back toward the car to get a
> hand from young Mexico, who did remember, he hopes, to bring the
> electric lantern. . . .
> What exactly is "tickling just under his nose"?  Dose it mean that he
> had a tickling sensation just under his nose, or he touched the spot
> just under his nose to stop such a sensation?

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