God Had A Wife
Mark Kohut
markekohut at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 23 14:55:46 CDT 2012
consciousness. Anyway it’s one of my running considerations that our subconciousness may be unfolding into consciousness.
A partially, mostly latent, theme in AtD, perhaps....All that 'co-consciousness" and whatever the last leg
of the Chums means...(to follow)
> Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2012 10:54:34 -0500
> Subject: Re: God Had A Wife
> From: fqmorris at gmail.com
> To: pynchon-l at waste.org
> Also significant, Stavrakopoulou believes, "is the Bible's admission
> that the goddess Asherah was worshiped in Yahweh's Temple in
> Jerusalem. In the Book of Kings, we're told that a statue of Asherah
> was housed in the temple and that female temple personnel wove ritual
> textiles for her."
> J. Edward Wright, president of both The Arizona Center for Judaic
> Studies and The Albright Institute for Archaeological Research, told
> Discovery News that he agrees several Hebrew inscriptions mention
> "Yahweh and his Asherah."
> J. Edward Wright, president of both The Arizona Center for Judaic
> Studies and The Albright Institute for Archaeological Research, told
> Discovery News that he agrees several Hebrew inscriptions mention
> "Yahweh and his Asherah."
> "Asherah was not entirely edited out of the Bible by its male
> editors," he added. "Traces of her remain, and based on those traces,
> archaeological evidence and references to her in texts from nations
> bordering Israel and Judah, we can reconstruct her role in the
> religions of the Southern Levant."
> Asherah -- known across the ancient Near East by various other names,
> such as Astarte and Istar -- was "an important deity, one who was both
> mighty and nurturing," Wright continued.
> "Many English translations prefer to translate 'Asherah' as 'Sacred
> Tree,'" Wright said. "This seems to be in part driven by a modern
> desire, clearly inspired by the Biblical narratives, to hide Asherah
> behind a veil once again."
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