Trayvon Williams tragedy(not)

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at
Sat Mar 24 19:04:38 CDT 2012

 Bled Welder wrote:
>  I wouldn't know where to begin to even begin to
> look for psiloblubber.

 one time (in band camp) these people made some mushroom tea and gave
me some and we were sitting around the bass player's living room and
the word play was going strong, they were thinking of having a new
drink called Sister Pibb and I thought they meant like "sister" as in
"soul sister" but they were talking about "sister" like a nun
(different kind of soul sister) because they went on to describe her
habit in the advertising

 but they wouldn't tell me where the farmer's field was where they
picked the mushrooms.

so I guess they thought I was cool enough to drink the mushroom tea
with but not to tell where the cow patties were...

anyway I got nervous ("paranoid") and nauseated and begged off and
drove to the lake and soaked in the warm shallow water for a long,
long time, it was pretty nice but not very sociable I guess...

anyway, I still don't know where to pick those mushrooms

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