(np) big O, say it isn't so...

Henry M scuffling at gmail.com
Mon Mar 26 09:17:53 CDT 2012

Beg to differ.  Between NPR, NYT, MSNBC, and other centrist heavyweights,
most of those stories were covered at the same time, or immediately
following, the boutique outlets.  I know, because I'd read of something in
friends message that was from a source that I wouldn't do even a good a job
fact-checking and double-checking their reporters' pieces as the mainstream
press, and I'd find the same news, often with deeper, less partisan
background, in the mainstream press.

The mainstream press is castigated by the left AND the right.  That doesn't
sound very censored to me.

Henry Mu

On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 9:53 AM, Michael Bailey <
michael.lee.bailey at gmail.com> wrote:

> >
> > The mainstream American press isn't exactly uncritical of Obama and the
> > wars.  What is the current explanation (that does not hammer Occam's
> Razor
> > into paranoid oblivion) for why they don't have this story?
> >
> these guys are really cool:
> http://www.projectcensored.org/
> they put out a book every year full of stories overlooked by the media
> -- really juicy stuff, well-documented, good reportage...
> as to why, well, c'mon Henry --
> I'd be the last to hate on the mainstream press, I love my papers
> but a) they can't cover everything
> b) they can't alienate their advertisers
> c) their ownership tends to be conservative and hooked in to a certain
> worldview which informs their editorial policy
> d) malefactors increasingly have legal departments, and courts judge
> in their favor all too often
> (
> http://www.projectcensored.org/top-stories/articles/11-the-media-can-legally-lie/
> )
> they didn't cover the 2000 election theft, Greg Palast had to go to
> England to report the systematic fraud in fake "felons", which would
> have been plenty to save the day
> they banded up against Mark Webb to gainsay his CIA-cocaine connection
> story which CIA FOIA gleanings tend to bear out
> they lined up behind Bush's Iraq lies
> and so forth
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