(np) big O, say it isn't so...

Bled Welder bledWelder at hotmail.com
Mon Mar 26 13:51:49 CDT 2012

Even as a lad ive never been able to listen to npr. God save us from that saccharine neutral democratic mildew. NYT, well shit, how do you not love the Times. Sure we know in advance it will Always support anykind of foreign US military aggression as long as the Admin says its for the sake of freedom and democracy. Pacifica is not comparable. Franlky i think npr and nyt slants Right, which is to say, corporate and military.
I may not agree with much Pacifica since eight years ago. On this blessed holy elite list i can (very very drunk now) remind people that pure democracy is an obvious stupidity+-on Pacigica radio i would have beem canceled.
But im curious why you bring Goodman et al, Pacifica, into Fair and Balanced.  Do they claim that¿ Thayre not commercial based¡ Whats fair and balanced in our battle against right wing american corporate fascism¿  Which is to say

-----Original Message-----

From: Henry M
Sent: 26 Mar 2012 17:22:47 GMT
To: Pynchon Liste
Subject: Re: (np) big O, say it isn't so...

NPR, NYT, and a few other major news orgs slant their news.  Democracy Now,
and Pacifica in general, slant their pieces so far that they fall over and
only one side is left facing up and visible.  When there's the rare call in
to question pretty much any of their social/political programs, from their
anti-vacine medical authority to a woman that I've heard supporting the
notoriously corrupt former mayor for life of Washington, DC, (life ain't
easy for an actor or politician named ) Marion Barry, it get's interrupted
and shouted down just like on Fox "News."  Intolerance for, and willful
ignorance of, the center is rampant on both sides of pretty much all
socio-political discussion.

Henry Mu

On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 1:04 PM, Bled Welder <bledWelder at hotmail.com> wrote:

>  I agree with you, absolutely. "Democracy Now" is a stupid name, always
> felt thatway.  Whats fair and balanced about anything? Its a sad democratic
> minded notion. I do think that Goodman truly believes in democracy in
> theory. Unlike many of her guests, who will never go further in so
> admitting it than to backwardsly suggest we dont currently live in a
> democracy.  Good, so weve got That first step already done for us!
> An Ode to Noontime Vodka
> Vodkvodka
> VO
> dka
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Henry M
> Sent: 26 Mar 2012 16:54:37 GMT
> To: Pynchon Liste
> Subject: Re: (np) big O, say it isn't so...
>   Fair and balanced, just like Democracy Now.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremy_Scahill
> AsB4,
> ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶
> Henry Mu
> http://astore.amazon.com/tdcoccamsaxe-20
>  On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 11:05 AM, <kelber at mindspring.com> wrote:
> Jeremy Scahill is a highly respected investigative journalist, who has
> testified before Congress and appeared in interviews on every major network
> (including frequent appearances on the Rachel Maddow show, on the very
> pro-Obama MSNBC.  He's what every journalist should aspire to be: brave,
> intelligent and truth-seeking.
>  Laura
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Henry M **
> Sent: Mar 26, 2012 9:18 AM
> To: Pynchon Liste **
> Subject: Re: (np) big O, say it isn't so...
>  Why does one choose to believe Democracy Now and Al Jazeera more than
> the New York Times, while someone else chooses Fox "News" over the MSNBC?
> Who is Jeremy Scahill?  The only thing that Wikileaks provided was a cable
> from Saleh to Petraeus.  Do you believe everything that Saleh says?  Then
> why do believe what Saleh says in a cable?
>  The mainstream American press isn't exactly uncritical of Obama and the
> wars.  What is the current explanation (that does not hammer Occam's Razor
> into paranoid oblivion) for why they don't have this story?
> AsB4,
> ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶
> Henry Mu
> http://astore.amazon.com/tdcoccamsaxe-20
>   On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 8:40 AM, Michael Bailey <
> michael.lee.bailey at gmail.com> wrote:
>  Henry M wrote:
> > Ooo, wikileaks and prism magazine!  Now I can be sure of the truth!
>  wikileaks is pretty credible, isn't it?   I mean, the objections on
> record are for its revelations being problematic for diplomacy, not
> inaccurate.
> prism magazine quoted Obama's own record of the conversation.
> http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2011/02/03/readout-presidents-call-president-saleh-yemen
> I dunno, seems pretty strong to me.  My president, right or wrong?
> I suppose we should dismiss any news from al-Jazeera too?
> ****
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