early nineties

Bled Welder bledwelder at gmail.com
Wed Mar 28 15:44:47 CDT 2012

One more early nineties, for now.  Who ever thought the early nineties
would turn out anything useful?  So denigrated even while they were

Cremo, Thomson, Forbidden Archeology.

I don't have an opinion yet on its broader thesis, beyond what I've
recently learned from using my eyes in lamplight and watching the obvious
relics of Puma Punku, etc.  And how bout Karl Munck!  I can't wait to hear
a mathlover's rejection of all that.

I mention this because of some noticeable interest in Jung and the
subconscious here, and of the first 200 pages of both GR and AtD recently
I've read Pynchon makes some apparent use of the psilocybe and  Mr.T and
Mr.K on here are reasonably interested in that and the subconscious in AtD.
I may not know Jung but I know the psilocybe goes into the subconscious
(somewhere in GR around 150 I pointed out on here Pynchon mentioning
revealing and unfolding; I think he was talking oil there but oil's a good
enough metaphor for subconsciousness for my surveys).

What am I talking about.  Something about the black hole at the base of
brain, but now it seems maybe into the subconscious...ah yes, in which, it
is natural to presume, we, or I, yes I'll do it, will encounter very
definite remnants of our ancient, I mean like real fucking way back, human
history, an unfolding of *that* ancient human consciousness (maybe not so
human, right?) which wasn't subconscious then but was our consciousness.
 And maybe just back to things like 10500bc.

Et voila.  All fitting together nicely.  Again, when I began my research
two months ago, Egypt, 'pre-history', subconscious, blackholeinbrain,
eternal recurrence, timeless dimensions, all of it was the last thing on my
mind.-- True story.

As I pour another Mescal.  Yes!  I am going to dedicate my novel to Malcolm
Lowry.  Check this out, do this.  Alice, do this.  Lay the side of your
head on the table, or if you're on the floor already like I am lay it on
the bed or sofa, and pour the tequila, not from your glass, but from the
bottle, into your ear.  Let it sit there for a while, let it soak in.  Then
do the other ear, and repeat.

Then see how tall you are~~!

One of the big issues, problems, most important distinctions with the
research, obviously, is determining what is "real" and what is "mere"
imagination and what is fueled by "mere" psychological concerns.  Whichever
it is, it's all fabulously good, like Platonic Good, you know what I mean,
like I seriously doubt you've had any greater and more awesome experience
than going consciously into the subconscious--but of course only highly
specialized and professional researchers should attempt this, the minimum
requirement being a natural born (absolute) overman.  What?  What?  I can't
hear anything...
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