Back to AtD....Tungaska Event, [in late 700s pages]

Joseph Tracy brook7 at
Sat Mar 31 19:48:17 CDT 2012

Wonderin' if you could elaborate on those wolves a bit. 
On Mar 31, 2012, at 2:55 PM, bandwraith at wrote:

> Partial to wolves speakin' The Gospel, myself.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joseph Tracy <brook7 at>
> To: P-list List <pynchon-l at>
> Sent: Sat, Mar 31, 2012 1:37 pm
> Subject: Re: Back to AtD....Tungaska Event, [in late 700s pages]
> Seems like the essence of the "word"  that explodes their world is something
> along the lines of' 'you are on a ball in space, vulnerable, open to the cosmos,
> wake up from the limits of your mammalian bodies, your territorial wars, your
> boys adventure stories." It happens at a time when  science is the new common
> global language, close on the heels of Einstein's publication of theories that
> made gravity vanish, based on thought experiments of the motion of particles of
> light through space, ideas that will bring new explosive dimensions to the word
> 'atomic' and 'enlightenment'. It happens at a time when the events can be
> understood in a non superstitious way.
> I feel in general Pynchon is pointing out that humans more easily achieve a
> change of information than a change of consciousness or  mammalian habit. That
> despite all the promise of cultural transformation burgeoning in western
> civilization at the turn of that century, the habit of war exercised enough
> gravitational pull to bind Europe in the bloody mud graves of WW1 and aerial
> flames of WW2.
> Hot year coming up.
> On Mar 31, 2012, at 7:36 AM, Mark Kohut wrote:
>> p. 793 The Tugaska Event reveals "the sacred City".....
>> the Chums "took longer to understand that the great burst of light
>> had also torn the veil separating their own space from that of the
>> everyday world"......they had met the same fate as Shambala,
>> their protection lost"...
>> ..."gravity itself for a moment simply vanished"
>> All textual clues to the immateriality of the Event...
>> The Event = like a religious Visitation revealing the sacred?
>> Like the Pentecostal Word exploding above everyone's heads?
>> Essay question: How is the Tungaska Event, therefore, similar
>> and dissimilar from the Rocket in GR?

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