"The soiled hand of....Oxycontin"

Matthew Cissell macissell at yahoo.es
Tue May 1 07:01:45 CDT 2012

Legal dealers. These guys are Wall St cartels. As if Oxy babies isn't enough, check out how new rehab centers have sprung up to address the needs of senior citizens. Yep, grampa gets hooked and the kids say he has to kick and there he is w/ crackheads and speed freaks. right. new centers tapping into the insurance cash.

Let's not forget those pill-mill docs taking up offers from big Pharma.
When I left the U.S. about 12 years ago, availability was not like this. As the years passed I heard about people gettin scrips for Oxy (and more) in a way that did not fit w/ my view of the U.S. and its view on drugs. Then I realized it was business, of course. Just look at the Bush - Eli Lilly connection.
Latin american cartels just get the bad press. Guns get our attention, but pens should be what make us quiver.

So you're concerned about big governement? Worry more about big business.

mc otis

From: "bandwraith at aol.com" <bandwraith at aol.com>
To: pynchon-l at waste.org 
Sent: Tuesday, May 1, 2012 1:18 PM
Subject: "The soiled hand of....Oxycontin"

It seems The Fang has taken Dr. Spock's
advice- less smackin'- and open a new outlet:


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