Eureka - A Secret Visit in Vineland

Kai Frederik Lorentzen lorentzen at
Wed May 9 01:54:30 CDT 2012

It's a hoax.

On 08.05.2012 23:45, Don Higgins wrote:

> Is this real? The Google translation isn't clear. West coast. What 
> happened to upper west side?

> --- On *Tue, 5/8/12, Werner Presber /<wernerpresber at>/* wrote:
>     From: Werner Presber <wernerpresber at>
>     Subject: Eureka - A Secret Visit in Vineland
>     To: "pynchon -l" <pynchon-l at>
>     Date: Tuesday, May 8, 2012, 5:04 PM
>     Eureka - A Secret Visit in Vineland
>     Ein klandestines Gespräch mit Thomas Pynchon
>     geführt von Goedart Palm und Herbert Debes
>     Geboren: 08.05.1937 - Beruf: Schriftsteller - Adresse: New York

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