The Modernism Lab

Dave Monroe against.the.dave at
Sun May 13 13:16:03 CDT 2012

The Modernism Lab is a virtual space dedicated to collaborative
research into the roots of literary modernism. We hope, by a process
of shared investigation, to describe the emergence of modernism out of
a background of social, political, and existential ferment. The
project covers the period 1914-1926, from the outbreak of the first
world war to the full-blown emergence of English modernism. The Lab
has supported undergraduate courses at Yale on Modern Poetry, the
Modern British Novel, Modernist London, and Joyce's Ulysses and a
graduate course in English and Comparative Literature, "Moderns,
1914-1926," as well as a class on modern German literature at the
University of Notre Dame. Students in the classes have contributed
materials to the website and used it as the platform for their
research. The main components of the website are an innovative
research tool, YNote, containing information on the activities of 24
leading modernist writers during this crucial period and a wiki
consisting of brief interpretive essays on literary works and
movements of the period.

Welcome to the Modernism Lab Wiki, a home for brief interpretive
essays on literary works, authors and movements of the modernist
period designed to complement Modernism Lab's research platform,


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