Back to AtD Karmic Adjustment

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Tue May 22 11:22:19 CDT 2012

> I think the sacrament of Penance is being used figuratively.

Alice writes: 
"Like flying toward Grace. The idea is close to the Catholic in that
the penitent is at once the accuser, the person accused, and the
witness. No need for a judge. The Priest, who is not and does not act
like a judge,  merely pronounces judgement and sentence. The
confession is not secret, but is not public. The Priest, with iron and
golden key, opes and shuts amain.  Ah, but ethos needs no authority!
And no logic? "
I am attracted to what I think I understand of this reading. 1) As with
Grace, TRP redefines from his vision 2) It seems that penance involves
some kind of restitution, worked out by participation in a human group.
The cultural form of one's life. 3) No Judge Authority from on high ala Catholicism
4) Not just, ala one way of understanding Protestantism, one 'alone with one's 
God' in judging one's own actions.
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