MD farewell embarkation 124,125

Madeleine Maudlin madeleinemaudlin at
Tue May 22 16:53:57 CDT 2012

"Thankee, Dixon. Always useful, talking things over. Well. Convey my warm
sentiments to any there who may yet feel such for me."
"Thah' won't take long."
"Mind y'self, Jere. Mind the Clock."
"See thee at Christmastide, Charlie." ...
Mason nods, gazing past the little Harbor, out to Sea. None of his business
where Maskelyne goes, or comes,--God let it remain so.  The Stars wheel
into the blackness of the broken steep hills guarding the Mouth of the
Valley.  Fog begins to stir against the Day swelling near.  Among the
whiten'd Rock Walls of the Houses seethes a great Whisper of living Voice.
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