Paul Fussell, RIP
Mark Kohut
markekohut at
Fri May 25 09:23:02 CDT 2012
I was lucky enough to have met him too. I spent an afternoon taking him around
to Chicago-area bookstores to sign copies of CLASS. He was so pleasantly happy.
He listened when I talked about the bookstores. One thing
he told me that, in researching his next book, he wanted to know what books
were in print during WW2, for example. He said even the Library of Congress
DID NOT KEEP the annual Books In Print Reference volume(!), since it was
judged, as a reference, outdated when the next year's Books in Print volume
was published. (L of C sort of like a set missing its own subset--a remark neither
he nor I made then, although I think I did stumble toward saying something like it and
he nodded).
He had had a People Mag feature on him for this book and he told me how they wanted
him 'paired with a female" although he was not married or was separated at the time, so he
is pictured with a work colleague seemingly implying a different relationship.
And last and least, I think I internalized a lot of observations from CLASS but the only one
that has stuck overtly in my head and I've repeated over the years is this one: the very rich and
the poor man are the two kinds of men who do not carry much money around with them.
The very rich have others pay for them.
Read this observation in a Bill Gates story years later.
----- Original Message -----
From: Dave Monroe <against.the.dave at>
To: rich <richard.romeo at>
Cc: "“pynchon-l at“" <pynchon-l at>
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2012 11:46 AM
Subject: Re: Paul Fussell
On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 9:14 AM, rich <richard.romeo at> wrote:
> Paul Fussell died this week
I met him! Someone came up to me once @ work and asked, have you seen
Paul Fussell (fully expecting me apparently to know [a] who shewa
talking aboiut, and [b] what he looked like)? "The Great War in
Modern Memory guy?" I asked. Turns out to be his wife. I'd never
seen him before, but could spot him instantly. Just happened to have
my copy of the book in my l,ocker, so i got it + he signed it. I
still have his card marking the Pynchon pages.
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