Paul Fussell

Matthew Cissell macissell at
Sat May 26 06:06:06 CDT 2012

Faux pas de moi. Good god, how very embarassing. thanks for the correction Keith. shows the limits of memeory and multi-tasking.

mc otis 

From: Keith Davis <kbob42 at>
To: Matthew Cissell <macissell at> 
Cc: "pynchon-l at" <pynchon-l at> 
Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2012 12:48 AM
Subject: Re: Paul Fussell

The Crisis of Reason: European Thought, 1848-1914 by J. W. Burrow

On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 2:49 AM, Matthew Cissell <macissell at> wrote:

If I may be so bold, another fine book to read alongside of Pynchon is J.W. Burrow's "The Age of Reason: 1848 - 1914". Not so focused on the GReat war, but rather the intellectual trends and systems of thought that gave rise to the horror of the 20th c.
>MC Otis
>From: rich <richard.romeo at>
>To: "“pynchon-l at“" <pynchon-l at>
>Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2012 4:14 PM
>Subject: Paul Fussell
>Paul Fussell died this week
>the great war and modern memory--yes, we love that book here
>"By the end of the day both sides had seen, in a sad scrawl of broken
>earth and murdered men, the answer to the question. No road. No
>thoroughfare. Neither race had won, nor could win, the war. The War
>had won, and would go on winning."


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